In About Minute Taking

This article discusses the role of the minute taker in the modern world. In our previous article, we discussed the dying skill called ‘shorthand’. We do not believe that today’s modern professional has the time to learn what is essentially a new language in order to simplify the function of minute taking. In today’s business world, minute taking is no longer a career in and of itself. Rather it is one of several functions many professionals are required to perform within complex portfolios in a demanding business world.


So how do we define the new role of the modern minute taker?

No longer can the minute taker be seated at a separate desk in the boardroom. Today’s minute taker is an integral part of any meeting and is there to support the chairperson in order to ensure the meeting is a success both during and after. We no longer see minute takers whose function ends when the minutes are typed up for distribution. The truth is that today’s minute takers fulfil a project management function. They ensure that the tasks that were allocated during the meeting are actioned.


What does the future hold for minute takers then? Could technology make this function redundant?

We do anticipate that software will soon enable the effective transcribing of all meetings. This has already been achieved by Microsoft and works well in the US; however, we do think that this will take a while to be fully adapted to our colourful South African accents! Yet transcribing alone has never been the full function of a minute taker. We still require the minute taker to sift the important data and to format it into a coherent, summarised format that highlights the decisions and tasks in accordance with best practice guidelines. Minute taking is a high level thinking skill and technology is nowhere near ready to replace this function.

In today’s business world you do not know when your turn to take minutes may come. Minute taking is a skill that every business person should understand, and if you are so fortunate that you are never required to take minutes of a meeting, chances are you will have to read them, and perhaps even approve them. The good news is we can assist you in order to acquire the skills necessary to take minutes of all types of meetings, so please contact us and we can show you that minute taking can be actually be a pleasure, not something you need to avoid! If you need any info Minute Taking relating don’t hesitate to contact us.

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